This radix is the number of unique digits making up a base system. With Verilog were going to see that numbers need to have an explicit base system to avoid errors. Your testbench should be self checking using if statements and the $display task to report any errors during simulation. Electronics - SystemVerilog - Numbers, radix and bases. Create a testbench to test your design for correct functionality.as an FSM), you will receive a maximum of 25 points. You can also include and instantiate your decoder schematic from Section 3 instead of writing a new System Verilog module. shift 3 bits to left and fill the LSB with zeros. shift 3 bits to right and fill the MSB with zeros. Let ‘a 1011-0011’, then we will have following results with these operators, a >3 0001-0110 i.e. Create the Decoder module in System Verilog to decode the 4-bit Binary Coded Decimal digit into seven-segment code. Verilog provides 4 types of shif operators i.e. See the answer See the answer done loading. Note: If you choose to model the entire 5-bit Up/Down Counter behaviorally as one Verilog module (e.g. This problem has been solved See the answer. But in general, the MSB of a signed expression gets sign-extended when used in a larger width signed expression. Verilog has tricky rules when mixing signed and unsigned data types. Perform a left shift as shown in the following table. If you are trying to represent -244, you need at least a 9-bit wide value. Taking an eight-bit binary as an example, the value can be up to three decimal digits. Note that you do not need to utilize all components listed above, but rather you are restricted to those components. So if you have 8'sd244, that will be interpreted as a signed negative number (-11, I think). Each datapath component used must be modeled behaviorally as a separate Verilog module, and the 5-bit Up/Down Counter must be implemented as a structural connection of those datapath components. Structurally design the 5-bit Up/Down Counter using any of the following datapath components: adders, subtractors, incrementers, decrementers, multipliers, comparators, shifters, registers, multiplexers, decoders, encoders, and logic gates (only when necessary).